Quinoa and pork mince stuffed peppers

I had been thinking about making stuffed peppers for dinner for awhile. Then one day at work the gluten free staff meal for lunch was stuffed peppers. Whilst these stuffed peppers were good they lacked protein and therefore left me a little hungry. This encouraged me to make a healthy, filling version of stuffed peppers for dinner a couple of nights later.After researching a few stuffed peppers recipes I decided just to make up my own version. I made it up as I went along adding more seasoning until the mixture tasted good so I apologise for theĀ lack of measurements in the below recipe. The peppers were deliciousĀ and very filling.Pork mince and quinoa stuffed capscium/pepperQuinoa and pork mince stuffed peppers (serves 2)IngredientsMethod

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