I Quit Sugar
I had this post on another of my blogs… I guess I didn’t want to announce it to the whole world as I didn’t know what people would think… I know a lot of people will just think this is another fad diet but this is really working for me and over the next couple of posts you will see why… so here it is…The title of this post sounds extreme right? Well it probably is but I am doing a little experiment.Once again after starting this (being a health blog I started) blog I went back to my old habits of eating too much, too often and too much crap food.But I recently came across Sarah Wilson’s I Quit Sugar program and read David Gillespie’s book Sweet Poison and decided I wanted to give it a go. Basically it is an 8 week program to get rid of the fructose (the bad sugar) in your diet. FYI table sugar is half fructose half glucose.Sarah's I Quit Sugar e-bookThere are a number of reasons that Sarah and David state why you should quit sugar (I suggest you do some reading if you are interested in this). But number one for me is that sugar does not fill you up – it makes you want to eat more and more. I wanted to give this I Quit Sugar thing a go as I find myself binge eating all the time and I am sick of not being happy with my body.This program is no harder being coeliac – basically you are cutting out a lot of processed foods. I found a gluten free bread which is reasonably low in sugar, though I will have to cut this when I hit week 3 – which involves cutting sugar altogether for a few weeks – more about this in later posts. For snacks there are a few things I eat including a mix of tuna, beans and cheese and string cheese. I am also trialing eating gluten free oats (something that the Coeliac Society’s in Australia and NZ say is a no-no).I am half way through week two and I am feeling great. Mind you I felt pretty crap during week one – lethargic and dizzy mainly. The first week was mainly about awareness for me and cutting down on obvious sugars. I switched from skim milk to full fat milk (where available) because the lower the fat content of milk the more sugar it has (to make it taste good). I no longer need a snack between breakfast and lunch which is pretty amazing for me.I am going to blog about my I Quit Sugar journey as well as recipes that fit the program.Have you quit or thought about quitting sugar?
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