Lamb meatballs with gluten free soba noodles

You would think that buckwheat noodles (soba noodles) would be gluten free (despite its name buckwheat is in fact gluten free) and that companies wouldn’t feel the need to add in wheat flour right? Wrong – I had been searching for gluten free soba noodles for ages with no luck, until I found out that Spiral Foods manufacture gluten free soba noodles. It still took me a long time to find them (as I didn’t want to order just one product from an online store) but I finally did at Dr Earth Health Foods in Newtown (if you live in the area and haven’t visited here you must as they have so many gluten free food products).

Spiral noodles gluten free soba noodles Spiral noodles gluten free soba noodlesAs soon as I found them I knew what I was going to make, lamb meatballs with soba noodles. I think that this recipe is taken from an Annabel Langbein cookbook however I cannot find it anymore so can’t be sure.While this is not the prettiest looking dish it is absolutely delicious and was gobbled up by everyone.

Gluten free soba noodles with lamb meatballs Gluten free soba noodles with lamb meatballsWant to give this recipe a go? Here is how:Ingredients Noodle ingredients…Lamb meatballs ingredients….Method 1. Mix together meatball ingredients and form into small balls (they will seem very soggy but don’t worry they are supposed to be like this!)

The meatballs ready to be cooked The meatballs ready to be cooked2. Heat frying pan and evenly brown the meatballs.3. Cook noodles as per instructions on the packet. Drain and toss in flavouring ingredients (you can adjust quantities of flavouring ingredients according to how spicy you want it)4. Place the noodles on a serving dish and top with meatballs

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